Sunday, February 20, 2011

Side view

Smooth top

Filled in imperfections

Nice Legs!!!!

Today I bought a Queen Anne style coffee table off of craigslist.  I want to sand it down, shabby chic it, and turn it around.  I went online and found one exactly like what I purchased done exactly as I am going to do.  Like deja vu!  I am totally excited.  I filled in the small imperfections in the bottom.  Tomorrow, sand and paint as long as this rain stops!
Deja vu!  Just how I pictured mine!!! This one is from Bella Rose Cottage

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I love chickens.  I think I always have.  As far back as I can remember, I've collected them, decorated with them, now raise them!   In Italy they mean good luck.  That there is an abundance of food in the house.  My daughter Jen knows my fascination with them. Imagine my surprise when I got to our Globe house and found these cute little salt & pepper shakers sitting proudly on my kitchen table.  Thanks Jen!  I love you.
Beautiful sides and legs

Roughly Sanded

Starting to see progress!

 I found this little table at Goodwill.  It had a picture of the flag of Puerto Rico stenciled on the top.  But it had nice details.  The lacey look around the bottom is so charming and the legs are so nice. Not to mention the price was only $2.50 on half price Saturday! I needed a cute little table for the side of my tub to hold my tea, phone, and magazines while I am lounging!  So I sanded it down and gave it a quick coat of bright red paint.  Looks great in our black and white bathroom in Globe!
The final product! Perfect.