Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My husband and I both love mini lamps around the house.  We use nightlight bulbs or 7.5 watt bulbs just to add warmth to the house.  I had a lamp that the shade had broken on, so I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up a few items to dress up a new shade.  I outlined these easy steps anyone can do to update any shade you have. 
First, find a lampshade that compliments your lamp, house, and style.  Also check to see if your lampshade attaches by the lightbulb, or with a finnial. You don't want to finish your shade, only to find you purchased the wrong one.
 Second, select your trim material.  I wanted a fuzzy thread like finish.  They have all types of materials such as beads, fringe, or tassles.
 Next is your adhesive.  I like Aleens because it adhears quickly and will withstand the heat of the bulb.  Hot glue sometimes loosens with the heat of your lightbulb.  Especially if you are using a higher wattage.
 These clips work great for holding your fringe in place while your adhesive dries.  You can also use pins or clothespins.
Add glue to the edge of your shade.  Make sure not to use too much.  You don't want it to bleed through your fringe. You may run the risk of your clips sticking to your shade if you use too much glue. When you wrap the fringe around, make sure to check that you are not going to high or too low in your placement. 
After it is placed properly, place a clip to hold it while your adhesive dries.  Repeat this step until your entire trim is in place.

After all the clips are in place, turn shade over and allow to dry, about 1 hour.  Remove clips, trim off any excess fringe and place shade onto lamp.  Sit back and enjoy your beautiful project!